Unemployment is not a condition, it’s a creation!

Unemployment is not a condition, it’s a creation.
Yes, you read it right.

Unemployment is created, in the first place, by the meaning we assign to the word ‘unemployment’. By unemployment 99% of the people mean ‘lack of secure jobs with assured incomes’. Whereas, unemployment means not employing your skills, talents, knowledge, creativity, abilities, time and all the other resources and blessings you possess, in creative, constructive and productive ways. Unemployment is created when you refuse to create opportunities for yourself and go searching for them.

Unemployment is created when you do not identify your potential, passion and purpose. Unemployment is created when you choose to conform instead of innovate. Unemployment is created when you choose to follow norms instead of breaking patterns. Unemployment is created when you choose to engage in stereotype activity instead of taking inspired actions. Unemployment is created when you work just to make a living instead of actually ‘living’.

Unemployment is created when you choose to pursue byproducts like name, fame and money  instead of the real things like the joy of learning, the fulfillment of creation, the satisfaction of growth, the gain in sharing and the exuberance of excellence. All these give meaning to our journey called life. And, of course, much more lasting byproducts like reputation, recognition and wealth are bound to follow.

When you employ yourself, no one can judge your performance, except you. You evaluate yourself with an intention to improve and excel yourself. When you employ yourself, no one can stop you from implementing your innovative ideas. When you employ yourself, no one can sack you. When you employ yourself, you take ownership of your life.

Employ yourself and be the leader of your life. Take charge now! Become an entrepreneur and create opportunities. Lead with your example and inspire others to tap into their potential. This is not just probable. THIS IS POSSIBLE.

Shubha Baldota
Counsellor and Life Coach

The What When Where Why and How of Meditation

A lot is being said about Meditation and a lot needs to be said about Meditation. It is such an important phenomenon!

Insofar as my knowledge and understanding goes, Meditation simply means keeping your mind and body together. That is, being in the present both mentally and physically. We are often present physically. But, our mind wanders in every imaginable or unimaginable direction. Meditation requires union of our mind and body. “Meditation is being Here and Now” – J. Krishnamurti

Many masters have said that meditation essentially means doing nothing. Meditation is simply unconditionally accepting “what is”, which Osho calls as ‘Tathaata’. If we have no resistance to or complaint or grievance about the present moment; if we become one with the present moment, it is meditation. Meditation is just being. Meditation is not concentration. Concentration is one of the benefits of meditation. Meditation is still alert attention. Meditation is awareness of awareness.

It is also said that sleep is unconscious meditation and meditation is conscious sleep. During sleep we achieve peace and health. Rest is repair. During meditation, in addition to peace and health, we also receive love, happiness, knowledge and intuition. We get insights during meditation to solve many problems whether big or small. Sometimes the solutions are so creative and innovative that we could not have reached them in any way other than meditation. To quote Eckhart Tolle: Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found. We receive cosmic energy during sleep and meditation. However, the amount of energy we receive during meditation is much higher than what we receive during sleep. Twenty minutes of meditation is equivalent to three hours of sleep. The cosmic energy we receive has numerous benefits.

Benefits of Meditation
Meditation has innumerable benefits on physical, mental, spiritual and social levels.
• Physical: Sound physical health, healing, receiving cosmic energy, strength, freedom from addictions and a lot more
• Mental: Relaxation, emotional healing, concentration, enhanced positivity, enhanced will power, control on expression, stress elimination, and many more
• Spiritual: Peace and Self Realization. To quote Sister BK Shivani: Meditation is essential to imbibe and implement all the knowledge we receive.
• Social: Greatest contribution to humanity, other beings and the environment

Types of Meditation:
• Focusing on any object for Meditation, such as, breath, sound, the flame of a candle or any picture, etc
• Thought meditation
• Mindfulness meditation
• Inner body meditation
• Walking meditation
• Chanting a mantra or name
• Visualization
The purpose of all these different types is one – Harnessing the energy available in the present moment.

When, where and how…
There are no limitations on the when, where and how of meditation. But, some places, times, postures and methods may prove more beneficial than others. One can meditate anytime and absolutely anywhere, doing anything. This is what Mindfulness Meditation essentially means. Being fully present mentally and focused on our doing, our each and every action is meditative. This includes walking meditation, chanting or any creative activity such as dancing, singing, painting, sculpting, cooking and many more. To quote Vimala Thakar: “This awareness of the so called outward and the inward movements of life, is meditation. The simultaneous awareness of the total movement is meditation.”

Early morning, 3 to 6 am to be specific, is the best time to meditate. It is called the alpha hours or ‘Brahmprahar’. The serenity and energy of the environment during this period is highly conducive for meditation. Sitting upright on the floor or in a chair is advantageous. This posture makes us more receptive to love, happiness and knowledge. Clean, spacious and fragrant ambience can be supportive. Nature works as a catalyst. We reach the meditative state quite naturally under a big tree, on the bank of a river, amidst flowers, on a seashore or on a lush green hilltop. Music meditation is popular among music lovers. They find it supportive in being in the present. Meditating immediately before going to bed can be helpful in getting sound dreamless sleep. We receive more cosmic energy during such sleep. Some people prefer guided meditations whereby suggestions are given to the subconscious mind. Meditation can be a powerful way of doing affirmations.
Thought meditation is a very useful tool. It is particularly useful in case of incessant uncontrollable thoughts. When we are experiencing such compulsive and chaotic thinking, it becomes difficult to focus our attention. In thought meditation we simply observe our thoughts as though they are appearing and disappearing on a screen. No labels should be attached to the thoughts. Observing the thoughts without judging them as positive or negative, good or bad, virtuous or sinful, helps in detaching from them. This slowly reduces their speed and impact. We start feeling lighter and now we can focus on our breath or any other object chosen for meditation. We can notice gaps in thoughts and thus move towards peace. “The thoughts cannot be suppressed nor can they be thrown away anywhere, you can only watch them, not naming them as good or bad. Then you are free from the roles of an experiencer and an actor, you enter into the state of an observer of non-reactional attention.” – Vimala Thakar. In the words of Eckhart Tolle: Meditation is acceptance of what is, both internally and externally. 

To sum up, I would quote Sirshree Tejparkhi: Meditation is the path and the destination, too. Meditation can be the path when you have to achieve your dreams and desires. But, spiritually speaking, meditation itself is the destination.

Shubha Baldota
Counsellor and Life Coach

The solution to any problem lies inside the problem

The solution to COVID is in the anagram of COVID, that is, Vodič. I am not talking about the virus and its solutions. I am talking about the issues faced by most of us post COVID.

Vodič is a Croatian word which means a Guide,  Guidebook, Leader, Head, Pathfinder or Conductor.
Do you think this is a coincidence that the anagram of COVID means a guide, a pathfinder…?
There are no coincidences in the Universe. Everything is synchronized. Nature is amazing. It has taught us time and again that the solution to every problem lies inside the problem.

Let’s go a step further and use this anagram of Covid as an acronym.
V – Verbalization
O – Organization
D – Determination
I – Inspiration
C – Compassion

Verbalize whatever you are thinking, feeling, experiencing, apprehending. Speak it out. Talk to a friend, family member, or counsellor. Do not hesitate and do not allow it to become chaotic or overwhelming. Seek help. By speaking your heart out you will not only feel better, but you will feel the space in your mind to think about solutions. Maybe immediate solutions are not available. But, if you just wait with patience with the support of near ones or professionals, you will certainly see circumstances changing. “Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.”

Be organized. Working from home may seem like freedom. But, if you are not organized, have no fixed schedules, mingle ‘working FROM home’ with ‘working FOR home’, you will experience a lot of stress and anxiety. Let there be separate compartments for personal and professional work. Working in an unorganized way also reduces your efficiency and effectiveness. Make schedules and follow them. If you feel it can help getting into the tempo of official work, dress up formally before you start working. Don’t miss your morning rituals…such as meditation, workout, walk, reading, or worship.

“Determination is the wake-up call to the human will.” – Tony Robbins. I do not intend to make any problems or challenges sound trivial. But, what I know is that determination has tremendous power to turn the tables. Problems will reveal opportunities. Problems may even give you a chance to change your decisions which you were already regretting. Determination makes perseverance possible. It attracts all the strengths and resources you need. You will be amazed to see with hindsight  how the process of your growth had unfolded subtly.

Positive thinking, patience, acceptance, determination…all are important stages. But that is not all. When the time is just right, you will be nudged to act. All you need to do is take that inspired action. Inspired action does not mean impulsiveness. It means following your instincts…making a move in the direction of your gut feeling. Don’t overthink. Nothing stays permanently. The Universe can do right click and refresh anytime. We have learned at least this lesson now. No decision or action is ever perfect. Have the courage to explore new avenues. We need to take calculated risks.

Stock up on compassion. Have a lot of compassion for yourself. “Instead of using self-judgement and scare tactics, try utilizing self-compassion and loving patience.” – Filo
The entire humanity is affected. All are clueless. And we are influencing each other because we are all one. But then that’s the whole point. Treating ourselves with patience and compassion will allow us to be understanding and compassionate with others. All we need from each other is empathy and compassion. Remember, you are the one who had attained your many successes. You have tried and tested formulae. Trust your experience. Do not let faith to shake. Hope changes our perspectives and a changed perspective is fundamental to building the new.

Shubha Baldota
Counsellor and Life Coach