Consequences of Silence

Every word has consequences. Every silence, too. – Jean Paul Sartre

We have heard several times how words should be used carefully. We know that words are like arrows which cannot be called back. We have a pretty good experience of all this.

But, have we noticed the benefits of silence? And what is meant by silence?

Silence is not just absence of audible speech. Silence is quietening of the inner dialogue. Not by force, but with patience and understanding. When we arrive at such silence we experience true peace.

Peace has tremendous power, even more power than words. The mind which is peaceful and still is a powerful magnet. With peace even the most tough and complex  situations can be resolved.

These are the consequence of silence. Howsoever well-articulated the words may be, they cannot match the power of silence. And this can be known with experience alone.

Choose to experience the strength of silence. It is the same as experiencing Divinity.

Shubha Baldota
Counsellor and Life Coach